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Lily Horseman - Kindling - Archimedes Earth

Lily Horseman – Kindling

Lily Horseman – Kindling

Lily Horseman of Kindling has been working with children and training the children’s workforce since 1999.

Lily is experienced in working with children of all ages and adults.

She has worked with and for a number of community and voluntary sector groups, Schools, Early Years settings,Lily Horsemanplaywork associations and playwork training providers and environmental charities

She has also worked for a Local Authority and in partnership with Sure Start, Children’s Centres and other statutory agencies.

Lily first undertook Forest School training in 2004, and has completed the Forest School OCN Level 4 delivered by Forest School Education. She is now an accredited Forest School trainer under licence. Lily holds a F.E. teaching qualification and is also a trained First Aider. She also holds woodland management qualifications and manages a number of woodlands in Cumbria.

In 2013 Lily became an APIOL- Accredited Practitioner of the Institute of Outdoor Learning.

Before setting up Kindling in 2009, Lily worked for Bradford Metropolitan District Council managing the work of the Play Team and delivering training. This role included overseeing Bradford’s first self-build adventure playground and a number of open access, inclusive play opportunities for children. The role also included working with a wide range of settings and schools to improve the quality of provision, delivering training which included experiential workshops and accredited training up to Level 3.

In Bradford Lily was actively involved in the Forest School network working in partnership with Bradford Community Environment Project to develop and support Forest Schools across the district. This built on work Lily had done previously with Herefordshire Nature Trust, which is part of the Wildlife Trusts.

In 2002 Lily began developing the successful WildPlay project which worked with settings to encourage them to use the outdoors. The WildPlay project also delivered open access work in partnership with Housing Associations, training and events and worked with children and families across the county.

Previous to this Lily had been a freelance playworker, trainer and creative workshop leader working for Herefordshire Travellers Playscheme, Carnival Arts, Herefordshire EYDCP, Sure Start and Herefordshire Playcare Association.